Welcome to Building Blocks Academy

The mission of Building Blocks Academy is to provide an atmosphere that is secure, happy, safe, healthy and nurturing. Building Blocks Academy creates an environment in which children have the opportunity to grow and learn at their own pace. The main goal is to support families by providing quality care of young children in their parents’ absence. 

About Us 

Building Blocks Academy was founded in 2012 by John and Patricia Pavlov, who are longtime residents of Hopkinton. It was formerly known as Golden Goose Academy, which was established in 1991 at Golden Pond. 

We are open Monday – Friday, 8am – 5:30pm.
Caring for children ages 6 weeks – 5 years.

Our Programs

Daily Programs

The daily program at BBA provides the freedom to learn and play both independently and cooperatively. Each class follows its own specific schedule, posted in the classroom. Daily routines sensitive to a young child’s needs are planned and include time for eating, toileting and sleeping. Various play activities are planned. They include indoor and outdoor playtime, structured and free time, independent play, and large and small group play.

Extra Curricular Activities

Kartwheel Kids is a gymnastics program offered right next door! Children learn basic gymnastics skills, music and movement.  

for more information visit:

Educational Philosophy

The Educational program at BBA is based on a respect for children’s natural curiosity and eagerness to learn. The staff, in cooperation with parents, nurture children’s development, anticipates their growth, and share their efforts and successes. The classrooms are designed to provide children with opportunities to watch, touch, participate and experience with his/her whole body. BBA designs curriculum appropriate to age and implements them with attention to needs, interests, developmental levels and individual learning styles. Educators provide positive and consistent guidance to children based on their individual needs and development. 


Teachers plan the monthly curriculum for each classroom while also selecting themes for their curriculum guided by the interests of the children. Teachers align curriculum with the Massachusetts State Standards for infant, toddlers and preschool. The well-balanced curriculum includes planned learning experiences that support the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual language development of all children. The curriculum includes goals for the knowledge and skills to be acquired by children in the areas of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Technology/Engineering, history and social science, comprehensive health and the arts. 

Our Staff

Our staff are all trained and certified by the Department of Early Education and Care. They attend professional development workshops throughout the year, and are First Aid/CPR trained as well.